Friday, April 24, 2009


Jocelyn and Maddison playing with the bubble sticks.

Grandpa Dale helping Jocelyn and Kory helping Maddie.

Maddie found her first egg!! Yay!

Jocelyn sticking her tongue out she was so excited to hunt for eggs.

Their cute ears!

She's still not quite sure!

Our little cheesers!!! They love the camera being on them!

Well, here are some pictures from Easter. We had so much fun. The girls found their easter baskets and then they went on an egg hunt. Grandpa Dale and Grandma Jan were there and we loved every minute of it! Thanks for the cute dresses mom!! The girls had a blast and I can't wait to do it again next year. With our little addition....Carter!

Wednesday, April 1, 2009


Thanks to all for your concern. I didn't realize that so much bad stuff was going on. I didn't mean to sound like I was complaining but my gosh am I embarassed!!! Good things happen too!! I promise!
About 3 weeks ago my brother Chad came up for the weekend to go out on a date with this girl he has been talking to online! So he didn't want to feel awkward so he asked if me and Kory could go with him on a double date. Thanks to Sara and Jordan who watched the girls we went with. We met this girl at the Red Iguana (which is amazing). I can't even tell you all the details but by first impression.........VERY high maintenance. She had eyelash extensions, nails done and pedicures she said every two weeks. Plus she goes tanning and gets her teeth bleached all the time! She looked like a plastic doll. My eyes were just in shock. Needless to say she was pissed that my brother brought his sister along. Not once did she talk to us the whole time we were together. We would ask her questions and she would just nod and then roll her eyes and look back at my brother.
To make it interesting we went bowling after and whoever lost got to buy icecream. Well, needless to say me and Kory kicked their butt! My hubby is amazing at bowling. He picked up the slack from me!!! hahahaha.
I just wish my 30 yr. old brother would just find someone to marry. Cause I think he would be a great husband and father. He is so good with the girls. They just love their uncle chad.

On another note. I am pretty sure I am going to go to California for a few days at the end of april beginning of may. My old stake I grew up in puts on a musical every three years and this year they are doing Joseph and the amazing..... you get the drift. Plus it is my dad's birthday on the 3rd of may so I am way excited. Plus it is going to be way warmer there so hopefully I can lay out and me and the baby can get an awesome tan!!! Oh yeah, plus see my girl Carrieann and her new house!!! There are open seats if anyone wants to come!! I can't wait!!

Well, got to get back to taking care of the kids. Cinderella can't keep them entertained all day!! hahaha