Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Birthday Party
Posted by Lacie at 11:09 AM 3 comments
Friday, August 22, 2008
I bet you are wondering why I would make a title like manicure......well let me tell you. This birthday party thing is turning out to be way more work than I planned. This whole week, every night when Kory gets home, we go out in the yard and shovel rock over and over. Then when the beds are cleared we go shovel sand. Then when the sand fills us the beds I dig holes and plant some plants and flowers. Why, do you ask? Cause Kory says so. He wants the yard to look magnificient for the birthday party. So, today I had to go with both girls to a nursery and pick out some more flowers. That is an experience all in itself. It's not like they have shopping carts that I can put them in. So here I am holding Maddison with a purse on the other arm and Jocelyn on a wheel barrow pushing it around with sweat dripping down my face. There were some men there and not one asked me if I needed help! I thought I lived in Utah! Anyways, it's not like gardening gloves help all that much. My nails are breaking and I am getting blisters. So all in all I really need to go relax and get a manicure. Let my hands be complete pampered when this is over!!
Posted by Lacie at 1:10 PM 0 comments
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Jocelyn's 3rd Birthday Dinner!
Posted by Lacie at 11:12 AM 1 comments
Friday, August 8, 2008
Never Easy
So I have a lot going on right now. I have been trying to potty train Jocelyn and that is up and down. Not looking forward to this weekend cause we are going to my nephews wedding up in Logan and she doesn't now how to go on the big toilet yet. So we are going to have to put her in pull-ups and pray that she will do good. I had to take Jocelyn to the doctors office today cause whenever she gets a bug bite it gets HUGE!! So I was worried and he said she is just one of the few who will always have a bigger reaction than other kids. Until the swelling goes down we just have to cover it up cause it isn't very cute!!
Today is also packing day cause we have to leave in about an hour and I swear I am always running around like a chicken with it's head cut off. I never get everything packed that I need to and Kory gets on me about how unprepared I am. If things would just go smooth during the day than it would be ready in time. But between going to the doctor and Jocelyn picking her nose so deep she got a nose bleed, I finally got everything ready. So hopefully when Kory gets home it will be smooth sailing. So until next time..... have a good weekend, and don't play too hard!!
Posted by Lacie at 3:41 PM 2 comments